Hash House Harrier Wet t-shirt contest in Pattaya, Thailand

Hash House Harriers

For those who have never heard of the Hash House Harriers, it's an international drinking group with a running problem. I can honestly say, that becoming a member will change a person's life. I joined the San Jose Hash House Harriers, the SJH3, at the end of 1979, and my life hasn't been the same since. Every week we met on Monday evening with just enough daylight left to run a cross-country, hare and hound-type event held in different locations each week. Traditionally, trickery is used in marking the trail adding unknown twists and turns to get to the finish line where the beer is waiting after a grueling run.


There are Hash House Harrier groups in just about every country in the world, except maybe North Korea. Each group has its own traditions and methods for setting their runs, the only constant being the beer afterward. The group as a whole is known for its song, dance, unique entertainment, and comradeship. Being a member of any chapter earns a friendly welcome at all other Chapters around the world. 


Besides individual group events and celebrations, such as Anniversaries, Red Dress Runs, Farewell Runs, and many others, there are large 4-day events where thousands of visiting "Hashers" gather and stay at the same hotel. These events are held at different chosen locations around the Hash Globe and are embedded in the minds of the attendees forever. 


Southeast Asia is the Home of the Hash House Harriers, specifically Kuala Lumpur, going back to 1938. At a local bar where British colonial officers and expatriates often met known as the "Hash House," the idea of one member taking off with a five-minute headstart setting a paper, chalk, or flour trail for the rest to follow back to the beer was reborn.  The idea was not new, but the 1938 version opened the world's eyes to the tradition. The expansion of the group began much later in Singapore in 1962 and spread around the world like wildfire. The World Harrier Organization maintains the largest directory with 2027 groups in 1320 cities and 184 countries at the time of its recent publication. 


Part of my 10-year journey was visiting Hash House Harrier groups wherever possible. The hospitality of each group was amazing being treated like an Ambassador at almost every run. Visiting over a hundred Chapters meant a lot of beer drinking, but it was well worth it. Running with some groups numerous times, I was almost considered an unofficial temporary member. Although just a walker now, the Hash was a tremendous influence on my life and the source for most of my best friends. The Hash is famous for that, making friends.


(The photograph above is presiding over a "wet t-shirt" contest in Pattaya, Thailand just before the 4,000 Hasher invasion of the "once every four years" InterHash of 1986.)


For more information about the Hash House Harriers:  https://www.gthhh.com  and  https://gotothehash.net 


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