The Philippines
people philippines 43 800
15 elder ifugao tribesman 800
3 young ifugao kids having a swim 800
8 tribal elder smoking a cigar at an ifugao ceremony 800
9 tribesman butchering a pig for the ceremony 800
2 tattooed ifugao tribal woman 800aa
5 ifugao warrior with 4000 year old rice terraces in the background 800
4 old ifugao headhunter 800
11 ifugao headhunter warrior participating in a tribal dance 800
6 weather beaten ifugao tribesman 800aa
13 two elderly ifugao tribes women 800aa
12 elderly ifugao tribal woman 800
10 tattooed woman sitting on the side of the road 800
18 young philppine woman 800
16 tribesman stepping out of the jungle 800
21 elderly ifugao warrior on luzon island 800
With over 7,000 islands there are all kinds of Philippines.
The Ifugao tribal people of the Cordillera Region of Central Luzon Island. Although the ancient tribal tradition of "Headhunting" had mostly disappeared by the 1980s, it was reputed to still linger on in the Ifugao Province of the Philippines.
Photographed in 1987